New Sewer Connection installed in Taunton | New Sewer Connection Experts

POSTED: September 16, 2016

Our head office is based just outside Taunton in Somerset, so when this customer called asking for a quote for a new sewer connection we could visit site the very same day to gather all the information that would be needed to provide them with a quote. The customer lived in an older style property which currently had an off mains drainage system with a septic tank, they wanted to get the property connected to the public sewer as their septic tank was slowly declining in functionality.

Once we had provided the customer with the quote, and it was accepted then our street works co-ordinator could begin with the relevant applications. We contacted the local water authority (Wessex Water) and obtain a form normally named a section 106 application. As the contractor, we already had the necessary information for most the form. We then submitted the application with mapping of the area and pictures showing the plan for the connection. We then submit the application to the local water authority, they responded within their 21-day window to process the application, and gave us permission to connect to the public sewer.

We then contacted the local council and gained permission from them to carry out an excavation within the footpath and highway. Once we had permission from the local council and water authority, we could give our customer a date for the start of the works.

Once again because of the excellent planning from our street works coordinator the installation process went ahead with no complications. We connected to the public sewer in the highway, the local water authority sent an inspector who signed off on the new connection. We could then back fill and reinstate the highway to the approved standard. We provided the customer with a guarantee of our works before leaving site.

Photos of our works: 

Excavating in the highway We reinstated to highways standards (1)

Date of works: 05-08/09/2016

St Address: Station Road, Taunton, TA1

Works: Old house connected to the public sewer in Taunton

Engineers who carried out works: Dan Hudson, Paul Dean, Lewis Harding and Marcus Humpries